Friday, July 30, 2010

Art from Photos

Pen and Ink

A few months ago I watched a Quilting Arts TV show and ideas started popping into my head; I had to try them! Here are some of my experiments (and steps below).

Pear Tree Blossoms - Acrylic on Canvas (2 canvas 20x24" each)

Baby faces in Pen and Ink (11x14" each)


  1. Using a photo software which has "posterize" as one of the options, work on your picture so that you have lots of contrast. Posterize for 4 tones and work the contrast until you have a pleasing posterized picture.

  2. Print the result on regular printing paper the desired size

  3. Transfer your picture to your surface (paper, canvas, ...). I rub the back of the picture with pencil, then trace the shapes I want to keep so that I end up with a faint pencil mark on my surface

  4. Work on one tone at a time(see below), looking at your print out (I place it in a clear sleeve)